How can I view the history for any property in HubSpot?

In your HubSpot account, locate either Contacts, Companies, Deals or Tickets. In the left hand panel, click View all properties. Hover over to the property you would wish to see the history of, and click Details. 

To view a single property history:

In your HubSpot account, locate either contacts, companies, deals or tickets.

After that, locate the contact, company, deal or ticket you would like to see the property history of.

In the left hand panel, click view all properties. 

Hover over to the property you would wish to see the history of, and click details

From here you can when the property was changed and who changed it. 

View history of all properties in a record:

In your HubSpot account, locate either contacts, companies, deals or tickets

After that, locate the contact, company, deal or ticket you would like to see the property history of.

In the left hand panel, click view property history.

From here you will be able to see all the history of all the properties that have been changed. 

Export a property's history across all records