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Why You Need a Knowledge Base

Written by Nick Anscombe | Dec 4, 2020 6:00:00 AM

Have you noticed that it’s becoming harder and harder to speak directly with a customer support rep these days? The reason for this is that businesses are constantly adopting more and more ways for customers to help themselves, reserving precious customer service time for the more pressing, specialist issues that require the full expertise of the reps. 

These means of allowing customers to help themselves spans all the way from chatbots, blog posts, instructional videos and so on. But one thing that HubSpot offers as part of its Service Hub is the Knowledge Base, a page that publicly hosts a variety of frequently asked, customer generated questions, tickets, and support queries, all answered by the host company. It’s a place built to store, organise, and distribute information to your customers more quickly and effectively than face to face if done the right way.

Read on to find our top three reasons why having a Knowledge Base is hugely beneficial to all parties involved.

Instant access for customers

When your customers run into an issue or have a query, they do not want to wait or have to dig around for an answer. The search function within your Knowledge Base will allow your customers to quickly find their queries based on the keywords you include in your articles. This instant search can be taken further by a chatbot on your web pages, linking to articles depending on what your visitors ask it.

Having a link to your Knowledge Base on your social media, email signatures, and most importantly, on your navigation bar on your website, lets customers have instant access to your library of information as soon as they become aware of your business. Furthermore, it demonstrates that you are confident in your ability to resolve any issues your customers may face.

Saves customer service time

As stated before, it costs time and money to be answering hundreds of the same questions day in, day out for your customers, making it harder and harder to allocate resources when a real issue arises. By providing an insightful Knowledge Base, your customers can get the answers they need on their own, not only freeing up support time, but allowing your customers to feel accomplished that they found a solution themselves.

Easier to build than you think

Although it may take some time, building a Knowledge Base can be a simple process if approached the right way. Start by thinking about some of the questions you get asked most. Ask your support reps what issues they feel customers are running into on a regular basis that are easily resolvable. Once you’ve got your core questions answered, start brainstorming with your team about what your customers need to know, and their mutual pain points. Your Knowledge Base will be an ongoing process, so consistently look at common support tickets to see if there are any trends appearing. Slowly, you will start organically building a library of information that addresses all possible issues your customers will run into, gradually making the lives of your customers and your support reps easier.

Building a Knowledge Base can be hugely impactful for all parties involved if done the right way, and is quickly becoming industry standard for any business offering products or services. Start planning a Knowledge Base today and I guarantee you will reap the benefits of it in the future. Need any inspiration or even some expert HubSpot help yourself? Check out our very own Knowledge Base below, and make sure to submit your query through the chatbot if you don’t see it there.