How do I migrate from another CRM to HubSpot?

There are five CRM migration best practices. In addition to these, make sure you consider how you import the files to HubSpot.

Migrating your data from your current system into HubSpot is an important part of getting your new CRM set up. Due to there being many variables to consider, often people can find the CRM migration process daunting.

A CRM data migration is important for ensuring past data from your current CRM is set up correctly in HubSpot. 

Some CRM migration best practices:

  • Define the objects and properties you need to map into HubSpot (HubSpot has four main objects: contacts, companies, deals and tickets)
  • Clean the data in your current CRM to avoid any duplicates
  • Create any custom properties in HubSpot prior to the data import
  • Import a small subset of data via .csv file as a test
  • If the test goes to plan, begin to import the rest of the data

The most common way to import data is via file uploads. This is considered to be the most straightforward route. However, if you need to import notes, calls or emails you will need to use API endpoints which requires developer involvement. 

How to import files in HubSpot:

Import files must be .csv, .xlsx or .xls types. The file must contain less than 250,000 rows and smaller than 150MB. The header row must contain the corresponding property to the data in the rows below it. HubSpot automatically matches the header rows to properties when you import the data.

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