BBD Boom Blog | HubSpot & Inbound Insights

How Will BBD Boom Onboard Me as a Client?

Written by Adam Lewis | Apr 22, 2020 5:30:00 AM

A question we often get asked by prospective customers is what will it be like in the first 30 days working with BBD Boom? Understanding the initial set up and the day-to-day activity of a project is imperative in ensuring success going forward. So, in this blog, I want to talk about how we help our clients get off the ground quickly and onboard them using a standard process that we've developed over the last three years.

Initial Onboarding

At BBD Boom, we like to make the process of buying very simple, ensuring our initial engagements are clear and transparent. Dependent on your project, we first provide you with a detailed Statement of Work (SoW). After your review, we then arrange a phone call where details or questions regarding the SoW are discussed. This stage is essential, as simple things like terminology, through to complex things like expectations and KPIs are made mutually clear to both parties. Once everyone is happy, then signing the SoW is simple. We use a program called PandaDoc, allowing you to sign electronically before being countersigned by one of the founders of BBD Boom. We are now ready for onboarding.

Kick-Off Call

This is the kickoff call, the stage when you as a client get introduced to your Client Success Team. The Client Success Team are the people that are going to manage your project with us on a day-to-day level. Your single point of contact, which will be your Client Success Manager, will be your go-to person where you can share new information, ask for updates, and feed back any concerns that you may have about the direction of your project.

On the kickoff call, it is all about introducing you to team members, running through the Statement of Work, and addressing any further information that can help us in the onboarding process. This might include asking you to fill in a questionnaire, or providing us with access to various systems like HubSpot, Google Analytics, social profiles, and other things required for the project. For example, if we are working with you to run an advertising campaign, we would need access to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google Ad managers. We try to make this a seamless process, having all information in one place using a Google Home.

Another key part of the agenda is discussing resources available for you to run your project. This is presented as a timeline in order to give you clarity around when and how long thing will take. On the call, we can make any adjustments based on your or your team’s availability, holidays, and any other factors that we need to be aware of. 

Project Management Tools

In order to make communication and updates seamless between you and your team at BBD Boom, we use a project management tool called This platform allows us to share things for you to review. Whether it’s creative or copy, a link will be provided to the most recent version, and will allow you to give live feedback though the system. The huge benefit of this is that everything happens in one place, so you are not getting tonnes of emails asking you to do things. The tool also allows us to provide real time updates on the status of the many different tasks involved with a project. For example, during HubSpot onboarding, the stage would be broken down into multiple tasks, such as setting up lead scoring. Within that particular task, you would be able to see exactly when it has started, when it is completed, and all the steps in between.

However, not all is left solely to project management tools. We love to talk to clients and make sure that they are happy with everything that's going on and that anything that we need from them is clear and understood. That means that we, depending on the nature of the project, will have regular status calls at a frequency suiting your schedule. We use Zoom and Google Hangouts, which allow team members to talk face-to-face about any particular parts of the project where your input is needed. This is really the heartbeat of the projects and allows us to diagnose any issues and solve any problems directly.

KPI Meetings

As an inbound agency, performance is a key focus. KPIs are at the heart of what we do, as is the data we use to imagine them. For lead generation and rolling partnerships, where we are tasked with generating a certain number of leads or calls per month, we would arrange regular KPI meetings to assess where we are against them.This KPI meeting can happen face-to-face (not at the moment, but normally) or via video and is a chance to share stats, KPIs, and any recommendations about how we can improve the status of this project going forward.

Strategic Review

The Strategic Review is a process whereby the founders of BBD Boom and the Client Success Team review how the project is going at a more strategic level. We look at things like how the relationship is going, our performance against KPIs, and of course the profitability we are generating as a partnership. The strategic review can happen face-to-face or via video. This is really an opportunity to review whether we are still on track for that vision we designed in that SoW, and to see how things changed at your end. We find this an incredibly useful session. For example, we had a recent client engagement where there were a lot of changes affecting the sales team. That meant that we needed to step in and help do more of the sales activity than we had previously been asked to do. When appropriate interventions like these happen, we get results.

Hopefully, this blog has given you an insight into the different ways that we onboard our clients and work with them over time. If you'd like to know any more about this, click here to get in contact.

If you'd like to know more about how Boom can onboard you to HubSpot click here.