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3 SQLs and 4 Sales Opportunities

Move leads from webinar sign ups down the funnel with a nurture sequence. We achieved three SQLs and four sales opportunities with four follow-up emails.

3 SQLs and 4 Sales Opportunities

The Brief

In April 2020, BBD Boom’s Co-Founder and Solutions Architect, Adam Lewis, sat down with HubSpot Executive and sales expert, Dan Tyre, in a webinar to discuss how deploying video into your sales process can help businesses sell more effectively. 

Whilst webinars stand as one of the most lucrative ways to generate inbound leads and interest towards your business, most of the leads who sign up for webinars are not yet ready to become paying customers. Furthermore, a portion of these leads won’t even show up to said webinar.

We needed a way to advance some of these leads by leveraging their initial interest in the webinar topic. Ultimately, we needed to move these individuals down the sales funnel in a non intrusive, helpful, and inbound manner.



The Solution

The solution proposed was a post-webinar lead-nurturing sequence. This involved sending a sequence of four follow-up, personalised sales emails to all who signed up. 

The first three of these four emails contained links to useful, value added, inbound content around the initial topic of using video to drive more sales. Not only did this peak the interest of these prospects, as the content shared was tailored specifically to what drove them to become a lead in the first place, but it began to build trust with them, as it portrayed Boom as a thought leader and expert in the field.

Each email also offered an opportunity to speak on the topic with a member of our team, and as the emails progressed, the content nurtured the prospects down the sales funnel, with the final email containing an ultimate call to action. The last stage of the nurture sequence offered an opportunity to join Boom in a training session, where a member of our expert sales team delivered one to one training around how to sell more effectively.



The Results

Due to the timeliness and the highly targeted nature of the nurture emails and the content within them, each email received an average open rate of 49% with an average click-through rate of 9%. The post webinar nurture sequence succeeded in moving leads down the sales funnel quickly, by producing three total sales qualified leads, with four total sales opportunities.



What Next?

Due to the success, Boom now deploy post-webinar nurture sequences for every webinar we hold. If you’d like to check out all of our webinars for yourself check out our B2B Growth Webinar page here.

If you’d like to know more about our lead generation services, click here.

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