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The BBD Boom Ultimate Campaign Checklist

At BBD Boom, we follow a simple checklist for marketing campaigns for ourselves and our clients, and now we’re sharing that checklist with you.

February 25, 2020

Resource Overview

So you’ve got a great idea for a campaign. Now what?

Building a campaign doesn’t have to be complicated. At BBD Boom, we follow a simple checklist for campaigns for ourselves and our clients, and now we’re sharing that checklist with you.

Every campaign is different, so some may not require everything on the list, and some may require extra steps, but we use this master list to make sure we’re covering all the essentials. It helps us create better briefs, do a better job of testing and promote our content better.

To start building the ultimate inbound campaign today, simply fill out the form on this page, and a copy of the checklist will be emailed to you.

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