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How to Engage With Boom

March 12, 2020

People often ask how they can engage with us, so we're sharing our four engagement options to help answer those questions.

I often get asked “How does BBD Boom work with clients?” or “What does a typical engagement with a BBD Boom look like?” They are trying to understand the cost, value and practicalities of working with a HubSpot Solution partner like BBD Boom. So this blog will address the ways that we can work with B2B businesses and help them achieve their growth ambitions.

It’s a question that a business needs a clear answer to. For some businesses, working with an external partner is not in their DNA - they simply don’t have a heritage of working with external experts. For others, budgets might be an issue, especially after the investment in software like HubSpot, when the business leaders might assume that the business has everything it needs to grow and doesn't need extra help. Others might have had their fingers burnt by agencies in the past with bloated account management fees, poor service or just plain lack of results. They are understandably cautious.

How we help 

As a HubSpot Solution Provider, we are focused on solving problems and providing solutions for our clients and we are flexible about how we do this. We have four types of engagement. Which one would suit you best?


hubspot solutions options


Being experts in HubSpot and Inbound, means we can often help our clients solve very specific problems very quickly and so they'll turn to us to shortcut their learning to get stuff done. So this might be an advanced report in HubSpot that requires a lot of customisation that your team doesn’t have the know-how to do. It might include changes to a workflow in HubSpot or landing pages or other specific HubSpot tasks that the team doesn't have time to implement. We do these tasks on an hourly basis - so we estimate the time it will take and provide a fixed quote.

One-Off Projects

Well, as the name suggests, these are slightly bigger engagements that need to be planned, scoped and delivered or made live. Typical project engagements might be a website project, a 90 day funnel campaign or one of our strategy packages. An example of a strategy package is our inbound game plan session, where we  help our clients to put together a plan to generate more demand for their business. These projects have a set of deliverables, a set time frame and a set budget.

Rolling Partnership

We then have our third type of engagement, an ongoing partnership. These are monthly programmes where we work in partnership to constantly grow the number of leads being generated each month. That works really well for people who want to completely outsource their lead generation activity, or who want some extra help to push out lead generation campaigns consistently every month.

This covers everything needed to generate leads, including strategy, lead magnets (content), promotional assets such as emails and social posts, set-up and management of paid media activity, HubSpot deployment of assets or workflows and then the reporting and optimisation of the campaigns. It is everything that is needed to generate leads from your HubSpot system. There are three tiers of Rolling Partnership - depending on your needs. Please get in touch to find out more.


These can vary in complexity, so we have developed a scoping model that allows us to classify them as simple, moderate or complex. We always run a scoping session with the sales and marketing team and your IT team. This allows us to run through the use cases in detail and then the technical and security requirements from the project. We then provide a business requirements document with a quote and estimated timeline for implementation.

So what next?

Let's talk. We'll run through your requirements and also how Boom can help you achieve your growth goals. Get in touch using one of the channels below: 

Call us: 01202 800464 (select option 2)


Book a meeting: 



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