The Brief
ZapBI is a global software company that offers data warehousing and data management automation for ERP users. Before Boom, Zap’s marketing activity was few and far between, inconsistently producing content and sending marketing emails. It was highlighted to Boom that their email marketing efforts only consisted of sending one marketing email per quarter. Zap needed Boom’s input, as their wide contact base could have continued to lay dormant in their CRM for a period of time.
The goal quickly became clear. Zap needed to create consistent content that would generate inbound leads organically. As well as this, they needed content to use throughout their sales process. It was agreed that the content created by Boom would sit between the awareness and consideration stages of the buyer journey to meet both needs.
“The BBD team are all extremely knowledgeable, passionate, and friendly, making getting the job done so much easier (and nicer)."
The Solution
Boom created a 12-month content plan tailored to Zap’s personas and technical solutions. To create the content, Boom first identified the primary pain points Zap’s clients faced. These pain points included reporting, overstretched IT resources, data warehousing, security, and governance.
Each month, Boom produced a monthly campaign that included the following deliverables:
Ebook, including copy and design
Landing page and thank you page
Promo, non open and thank you emails
A 3-email nurture sequence
Paid media campaign
Organic social posts
3 relevant blog posts
Setup and workflow automation within HubSpot
Nurture Strategy
Once the campaign content was underway, Boom also created a first conversion nurture strategy. This meant that when a person filled out a form on Zap’s website for the first time, they would automatically be enrolled into an automation, signposting curated content to address their pain points. A person within this nurture strategy would receive a mixture of marketing and sales emails, giving them the opportunity to become a handraiser for the sales team.

The Results
Not only did the 12-month content plan and following campaigns create consistency for Zap, but it also helped generate new leads. The combination of content campaigns and the first conversion nurture sequence saw long-dormant contacts become highly engaged then go onto convert into sales opportunities.
Since working with Boom, Zap now has a vast library of content that can now be utilised for their sales process. This has allowed them to address their audience’s pain points at every stage of the buyer journey.